We offer eco-friendly solutions for your boat. Our biocide-free marine coating systems prevent fouling and provide advanced boat maintenance solutions. Protect marine life with energy-efficient boat systems. Experience a cleaner and more efficient boating experience with our anti-fouling system. Get a quote today!
Marisonia offers environmentally friendly maritime solutions with its biocide-free Ultrasonic Anti-Fouling System technology. These systems prevent fouling caused by barnacles and invasive species on boat hulls without harming marine life, making them ideal for those seeking eco-friendly solutions for their vessels. How does the fouling prevention system work? Marisonia provides an effective underwater anti-fouling solution by using ultrasonic wave technology to prevent the formation of biofilm on surfaces.
Marisonia's ultrasonic wave technology protects fish and other marine life from harm. It offers effective protection without releasing chemicals or damaging the food chain. Thanks to its anti-barnacle properties, the Marisonia boat protection system provides a sustainable and economical solution over the long term. With this underwater anti-fouling system, your boat's hull stays clean for a prolonged period.
The Marisonia anti-fouling system consists of control box, transducers and cabling. Number of transducers to be used may vary depending on the length of the vessel.
Marisonia conducts ultrasonic frequency scanning on the transducers within the range of 20-60 kHz.
The product can operate with 12/24V power supply. In the event of reverse voltage, the product remains undamaged. It is equipped with a replaceable fuse for short-circuit protection.
On average, the product consumes 6W.
Marisonia features Power and Info LEDs. The Power LED illuminates in green when the DC-DC converter on the card produces an output. The Info LED flashes in red at different intervals to indicate the connection status of the transducers.
Marisonia's control box weighs 800 grams and measures 20x16x6 cm. Each transducer mounted on the boat hull weighs 430 grams and has dimensions of 6x8 cm.
Global regulations are increasingly limiting the use of biocides. Marisonia’s boat protection system complies fully with these regulations by offering effective protection without using biocides. How does the anti-fouling system work? Instead of biocides, it uses ultrasonic waves to prevent microorganisms and barnacle formation, keeping your boat’s surface clean and free of fouling.
Invasive species and barnacles transported by boats pose a serious threat to marine ecosystems. Over 800 invasive species have been identified in the Mediterranean Sea, making it one of the most invaded marine regions globally. With its barnacle-cleaning effect, Marisonia provides a long-term solution to combat these ecological threats.
Marisonia’s ultrasonic transducers are easy to install on the protected surface and create a finely tuned pressure model in the water layer for effective protection. With its barnacle-preventing feature, the Ultrasonic Anti-Fouling System extends the life of your boat while offering a low-maintenance and cost-effective solution. The anti-fouling system reduces the need for regular maintenance and provides long-term protection for your boat.
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