
Frequently Asked Questions

We provide answers to common questions about Marisonia's anti-fouling system and related topics. If you have a question that isn't addressed here, please feel free to for further assistance.

What is Marisonia?

What is antifouling?

Why is antifouling so important?

How does Marisonia work?

Does Marisonia’s ultrasonic antifouling technology work on all types of material?

How much power does the Marisonia ultrasonic antifouling system consume?

Does Marisonia disturb fish and/or marine mammals?

What is ultrasonic antifouling technology?

How easy is it to install an ultrasonic antifouling system?

Does ultrasonic antifouling work in freshwater environments?

What maintenance is required for ultrasonic antifouling systems?

Does Marisonia come with a warranty?

Will the application of antifouling paints continue?

What is the effective range of a single transducer?

Can the customer install the product themselves?

Does the boat's bottom need to be clean for Marisonia installation?

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